Batteries plus Bulbs



Batteries Plus opened its first retail store in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 1988 and began franchising in 1992. It has since successfully expanded across the U.S. to help meet the ever-changing needs of the replacement battery market. In 2013 it changed its name to Batteries and Bulbs to reflect its unmatchable selection of light bulbs as well as batteries. You’ll find over 60,000 types of batteries, light bulbs and accessories here.

Find batteries for home appliances, motorcycles, boats, laptops, emergency lighting, wheelchairs, key fobs, hearing aids, farm equipment, scanners, sump pumps, two-way radios and so much more. Plus, get FREE auto battery installation on most vehicles at most locations. Shop for chargers for your batteries here, too. When it comes to lighting, find bulbs for fixtures, cars, motorcycles and houses including fluorescent, halogen, LED, incandescent and so many others. Use a Batteries Plus coupon code to get a discount on your online shopping cart.